Conflict often arises in any organisation. Some disputes may be minor, whilst others escalate into something more serious which require formal processes. We offer training and services to help you manage conflict internally, as well as mediation.
Our ambition is to create workplaces where people can really be authentic, bringing their ‘whole self’, without the fear of conflict or reprisal using NVC – Nonviolent Communication by our professional specialist in the magic of NVC.
Why Use NVC?
Nonviolent Communication fundamentally changes what’s going on by changing how people see, think and communicate about what’s important. Learning to communicate in connecting and compassionate ways, is only the beginning.
NVC will change individuals’ reactions & create far more options so there is at least one that will work for everyone. Sometimes people simply will not have the reaction they used to have, other times they will have the reaction but if they have had NVC training, they can use NVC steps to reduce the time it takes to re-regulate, find better options, & get back to a happier personal relationship or work place. NVC also increases empathy skills, emotional literacy & getting heard & seen.
Conflict often arises in any organisation and work relationships. Some disputes may be minor, whilst others escalate into something more serious which require formal processes. We offer training and services to help you manage conflict internally, as well as mediation services.
Consultancy: Silbers CIC can be your NVC consultant & go to organisation whenever there is tension. You call us in early to nip things in the bud (and save money, effort & time). Our NVC skills means no-one needs to have NVC training. (Over time you will pick up some NVC, but probably not the finer parts without training).
The advantage of consultancy is it will save you a lot of time & energy whilst bolstering production/ efficiency.
Training: You might like to “tool up” by
- Starting with a bespoke Foundation Training (level 1), 1 day workshop
- Level 2 – Intermediate Level, which is a series of 1-day sessions to deepen knowledge and competency.
When was NVC created?
The concept of “Nonviolent Communication (NVC)” was developed by the US psychologist Marshall B. Rosenberg starting in 1963. The aim of NVC is to develop human relationships in such a way that those involved spontaneously and willingly contribute to each other’s well-being.
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