Programs include:
Wellbeing At Home: Is a program designed to teach holistic wellbeing tools to parents and carers who are struggling with their children and young people aged 0-25. This is for parents/carers – Are finding parenting/caring work harder than expected? Are pressures of parenting/caring creating tension in family/work relationships – Are you finding that you are getting angry at your baby/toddlers/young person more often than you would like to? Would you be willing to try something different to improve your mood and your relationship with your partner and children?
Family Constellation therapy – What Is Family Constellation Therapy? “Family/systemic constellation therapy is a short-term group intervention aiming to help clients gain insights into and then change their inner image of a conflictual system and finally change their behaviour in relation to that same system” Family constellations are not limited to specific diagnoses, but they can be beneficial for those struggling to overcome traumas experiencing complicated feelings after the death of a relative, or various mental health diagnoses, including depression and anxiety.
Relationship based Outdoor Parenting program – Aim: To deliver a family program, that integrates the needs of the adult, child/yp and parent-child relationship in order to enable families to overcome trauma associated with ACES and strengthen family’s sense of wellbeing and safety with in the home. Who’s it for: young people with significant emotional and behavioural difficulties at home and/or in the school environment and their parents/carers. Parents will receive in-situ support from other parents incorporating aspects of the multifamily programs, as well as coaching from therapists. The approach is underpinned by attachment theories.
Fathers & Sons: We provide a fun and varied fathers and sons weekend or day session spent learning about bush craft and the woodland ecosystem. Participants have a go at fire lighting (including fire by friction and sparking); collect and purify water; build a leaf shelter and string up a hammock; learn about useful plants and do some wildlife tracking! We also cover an introduction to safe knife and saw use. This is a program that allows the fathers and sons to spend time together. Its a bonding experience they will always remember! Everyone has their opinion of what a father-son relationship is “supposed” to look like—and often times it’s spending time doing guy stuff:)
Children’s art workshop – We love seeing children develop their creative skills and grow in confidence by being creative. Our workshop is designed to inspire young people to enjoy art and feel the benefits of time to relax, exploring their emotions through art and mindfulness.
Pembrokeshire Siblings Group – Art Workshop
Our Approach:
Has been developed by practitioners with over 20 years’ experience of working with young people and their families from the fields of social work, psychotherapy and forest school including developing and delivering preventative therapeutic programs for families with children on the edge of care.
We understand the quality of relationships – with self and others – to be the key to healing and change.